Inshore - fire, rescue, assembly of electric towers, cargo transport, cable car construction, VIP / Corporate transport, training, check pilots
Supply of equipment (aircraft, radars, simulators, defence system, communication, control and spare parts)
Aeronautical Consultancy - choice of technical and financial solution, negotiation, preparation of specifications, training, management, aeronautical operation and maintenance
Management, commercial & marketing and purchasing
Legal, HR, mergers and acquisitions and due diligences
Architecture, construction and renovations
Technical, engineering and scientific
Industrial Utilities
P.C. ("Engineering, procurement and construction")
Supply, production, management, operation and maintenance and valorisation of industrial utilities (thermal energy - heat and cold, electrical, compressed air, industrial gases, water and waste)
Photovoltaic, wind power, cogeneration and trigeneration, biomass, ETA and ETAR
Projects of Energy efficiency and Renewable Energies